





A bridge.

A beautiful metaphor. Connecting countries, neighborhoods, streets and nature.

But let’s be honest, not always easy and safe. 
When it’s windy, it’s even windier on a bridge.
When it’s slippery, it’s even more slippery on a bridge.

But a bridge is also full of opportunities. Only one bridge is necessary to open connections between both shores. Unlocking adventures of new worlds, creating relationships and business.

And in a natural way, bridges seem to attract love.
It’s the favorite place for people to meet, cuddle, kiss or make a picture together. 

Amsterdam is known for its bridges. And we want to create more of them. By connecting Amsterdam citizens, from different groups and parts of the city, with their undocumented fellow inhabitants. 

Even after all these words, you might still doubt why it would be necessary for you to meet other people, cultures or groups. Or you may feel a bit nervous, unease or reluctant. Then let me tell you this. These moments of surprise, confusion and discovery, are the ones that create an open mind. And open minds are a wonderful basis for innovation, creativity, new connections and bigger dreams. 

And if that’s not enough, there is even more. The best way to get to know yourself is by learning about someone who is different fromyou. Like when you are traveling in another culture: it is there and then that your own culture becomes clearer. So meeting someone with different thoughts, insights, beliefs and wisdom, will shed a clearer light on yours.

So discover yourself and all other beautiful citizens of Amsterdam and join our meetings.
Let’s meet at the bridge. 

Connect and discover. Building bridges and sharing worlds.